ETE Teacher's Guide: Selected Sections


The 12-page Introduction addresses questions teachers and learners often ask about English for Bible and Theology (EBT): What is EBT? How does an EBT course differ from other English classes for those who are native speakers of other languages? What is the difference between EBT and Theological English (TE)? Is specialized instruction in English really needed in order to study theology? Why isn’t a high level of language proficiency, plus a good dictionary, adequate for the learners’ needs? How do EBT and TE courses differ from the range of Bible and theology courses found in seminaries and Bible institutes as well as in graduate and undergraduate Christian higher education? (View the complete Introduction online.)

Sections from each unit

Unit A addresses three key questions: How can you determine if Exploring Theological English (ETE) is at the right reading level for your students? How can you adapt ETE to meet student needs? How does ETE prepare learners for reading theological publications?

Unit B presents some general teaching suggestions for all chapters and some guidelines and principles for making your assessment more effective. This is followed by detailed teaching suggestions for the various sections of each chapter.

Unit C provides answers to all student exercises beginning with the Introduction and going through Chapter 10.



Student Text
396 pages

Teacher's Guide
172 pages

